
My First Blog Post

Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken.

— Oscar Wilde.

This is the first post on my new blog. I’m just getting this new blog going, so stay tuned for more. Subscribe below to get notified when I post new updates.

Being in a toxic space

A lot of times, we get consumed by the things we hear, the things we see, the people we interact with.

You wake-up in the morning and the first thing you see on the internet are toxic contents, sad news, and negative posts.

You engage in conversations and half of the things discussed are not even aligned with what you should be discussing and then you ask yourself what the problem is.

Most times, we develop mental health challenges from these things.

This moment you are happy and the next, you find yourself on another path.

You struggle to make things right and sometimes run away from what needs to be fixed.

That’s where the problem comes. We run away from what we feel, what should be done, the truth , how to fix them and when to fix them.

We embrace what we want to hear or see from a different place forgetting what reality should look like.

We embrace a lot of toxic and negative behaviors that keeps us on a spot.

We need to be aware of the signs that comes with them and also have healthy boundaries in place.

Take care of yourself in every way you can.

Guard your mind and thoughts.

Watch where you go to and the people you listen to. Their perspective might be different from yours but don’t let it rub on you especially if it doesn’t match yours.

Remember to always be positive regardless.


Rejection means a lot of things from different perspectives.

It comes with a lot of emotions we have to deal with.

The funny thing is, some people grew with it from childhood to adulthood while some met it along the way.

Rejection does not have to come from the big things, it comes from the very little things too.

Rejection from family, colleagues, friends, society, or partners is a very painful and devastating state to be in but, how you respond says if you want to heal from it or remain where it met you.

Rejection affects one’s self worth and esteem. You begin to think there’s something wrong with you or maybe you are not just good enough.

As a child, you begin to see life in a different perspective. You start to grow in your own world filled with so many pictures and traumas that grows with you to a point you build a strong wall around you in fear of being rejected again.

You become scared of attachments which results to you pushing people away when they try to get close..Hey!!! This happens to adults too.

Oh yes, someone is already trying to figure out why some people behave the way they do. Rejection is a whole lot of weight to carry but, you could make that weight very light by being intentional about your mental health.

Personally, I feel why people get sick (in all areas) after being rejected by anyone or anything is the fact that there was no communication whatsoever to why there was a “Rejection“ in the first place.

Communication within yourself and communication from other parties. It feels difficult but, that’s the first step to getting healed.

Sadly, everyone has in one way or the other experienced rejection.

it is said that, the brain response to rejection is similar to physical pain.

It is even more painful if you are a very sensitive person. It hits differently.

You practically live in self denial and rejection because your brain can not carry it all. You become psychologically, mentally, and emotionally sick.

That’s the point you need to get up and face yourself and those “DEMONS”

Accept the rejection. it’s going to really be a hard one but that’s even a bigger step.

Allow yourself to feel it in anyway.

Understand it. Ask yourself questions.

Where did this rejection come from?

How did it happen?

How should I take it?

Should I keep living in it or get back on my feet and face it?

Never ever blame yourself. That’s a wrong thing to do when faced with rejection.

It’s not always about you or your flaws.

Love yourself. Don’t be hard on yourself. Allow people that genuinely love, respect and care for you around you.

Don’t chase them away.

If it requires you seeking professional help, please… do that immediately.

The best part… Always remember God never rejects you regardless.


We all have different perspectives when it comes to waiting.

To some, waiting is a period when one stays in one place hoping for something to happen.

I had a discussion with a friend and she was like “oh, sometimes I feel so tired waiting on something. I have prayed about it but it seems there’s nothing happening” at that moment, I just smiled because I sometimes feel that way.

Do you know why we feel discouraged while waiting?

1. We give up easily

2. We give ourselves deadlines

3. We listen to people.

Waiting can be difficult. It comes with so many mental, psychological, spiritual,and emotional battles.

I remember years ago, I was trusting God for something. The waiting period was not an easy one. I became frustrated and exhausted. My mind became so occupied with negative things. I wanted giving up and accepting whatever comes but, I read a random stuff online and I took it so personal. I realized sometimes, we have to be deliberate about receiving whatever we want regardless of whatever discouraging words we hear from friends, family, and colleagues. Most situations are the way they are because we allow them. You might be working and praying so hard but yet no results.

Oh God! Why is it always this way?

Today I am so confident that things will work out and tomorrow I don’t even know if I really can wait.

This is you and me most times.

While waiting, we need people around us that can carry the weight with us. People that would pray with and for us.

People that would give us reasons not to give up and stop believing.

People we can connect with spiritually.

People that won’t see believing God for an impossible situation as being overly dramatic or spiritual.

No matter what happens, there are things we can only fix when we genuinely believe.

I love listening to testimonies from people because there’s this unusual peace that comes with it.

Whatever you have been waiting for is worth the wait.

Don’t give up.

Stay positive while waiting.

Your situation and miracle can be someone else’s testimony.

Believe and trust God.


Last year wasn’t the best or perfect year for me but regardless, I still had so many reasons to smile because a queen or a king cannot be drained just like that🙂.
Being someone that overthinks almost everything, I have always had to deal with so many thoughts.
If you are in this same shoes, I bet you can relate perfectly. Sometimes, you want to just live outside your thoughts and just be free but again, you cannot run away from them. You have to face them and fight them.
Thoughts are very powerful!
They develop in time when you give room for them to be nurtured.
The past year, I had to fight them physically, mentally, spiritually, and psychologically. Believe me, it wasn’t a pleasant one.
At some point, I gave in to them because my mind had already accommodated them. My mind became so occupied with too many unnecessary garbage I allowed. I was mentally sick but, physically stressed and that was because I couldn’t carry the weight any longer.
But, you know what?
I realized I became so sad about things I couldn’t figure out. Things I don’t even know where they came from.
I also figured it was the devil playing tricks on me.
One day, I stood in front of my mirror and spoke to myself.
I asked myself why I allowed myself to accept defeat.
How did I ever get here?
Why did I ever allow my thoughts and mind to cloud over me?
So many questions I asked myself looking into my eyes through the mirror I was standing in front of.
And then, I called my name and told myself that I am not weak but the strong woman that I have always been.
I proclaimed positive words to myself and afterwards, I became so happy with myself but, there’s one thing that kept me bound..DOUBT!!!
something I had to fight again.
DOUBT is a very terrible thing that can keep you far away from the manifestations of things you BELIEVE.
I had to pray really hard and also read spiritual books that I am thankful for. For a moment, my mindset changed again.
I began to proclaim and confess things I want to see for myself.
I called out things I wasn’t seeing and believing I could see into existence.
Let me tell you something…
The only voice you should listen to is GOD when faced with challenges especially when you have a strong believe about a thing.
it’s okay to seek advise from family and friends but, what if their ‘believe’ is not same as yours?
You might say to a friend that you need a million for something but, you do not have it at that particular time but you believe it’s coming.
Imagine the friend laughing at you. It doesn’t mean the friend is a bad person nooo..the difference between you and that friend is ‘believe’.
This taught me a lot…


Mental Health series – SEROTONIN

For some time now,I have been doing a research on different mental health topics and so many of them really got me but,I would love to enlighten and also add up some things on this particular one just for my readers😄
Mental health awareness is something I feel I should educate people on not just as a writer but,As human who go through mental stress from time to time and does not get tired of being educated on related topics.
Alright then..so,Back to my topic🙂.
SEROTONIN is what I will be talking about with you guys.
Sometimes,We wakeup to mood swings or some sort of weird feelings that we can not explain🤔.These things are very bad because they automatically dictate how our day would be or how our mood for the whole day would be.
For the spiritual knowledge of mood swings that I have,It’s not an ordinary thing to just wakeup one morning with a very sad atmosphere.I believe the devil does not want you to have a very fruitful day(Oh yeahhh)
I am not a doctor or a medical expert 😁but,From my little medical knowledge,SEROTONIN is the key hormone that stabilizes our mood,Feelings of well being and happiness.This hormone impacts your entire body.It helps to regulate your mood naturally.When your SEROTONIN level is normal,It makes you feel more focused and emotionally stable.
Low levels of SEROTONIN are often associated with many behavioral and emotional disorders.When the SEROTONIN level is low,It leads to depression,Anxiety,Suicidal behaviors and so many mental disorders.
When an individual notices any of these disorders,It is advisable to seek medical attention or mental health counseling immediately.When it’s low,You experience depression as I mentioned earlier,You feel irritable or aggressive,You feel impulsive and also have decreased appetite.
When you experience low level of SEROTONIN,There are things you should do to increase it.
Exercise regularly.
Listen to good music.
Eat good food.
Travel or explore new environment.
Good massage isn’t a bad idea too.
Do the things you love to do.
Did I open up something to someone?
I am sure I did😁
Would love to share more mental health topics soon.


Years ago,I had a very terrible accident that almost took my life.
Being in the hospital and always lying down left me with so many negative thoughts especially when people visit with a lot of pity.
After some time,The wounds began to heal gradually and I was so excited.
Months and years passed but the SCARS were still there.So many suggestions from family and friends on what to use on them to fade away but,They remained visible.
At some point,I got a bit worried about the scars on my body because I thought I used to have a clear skin and all of a sudden,Everything changed.
People always ask me what happened to me after seeing the SCARS on my face.Such questions always take me back to that terrible accident
But,As years passed,I always look at myself in the mirror and see a strong woman that survived what would’ve ended her life.I always see a God that does the impossible at anytime..Did I mention how I prayed tirelessly after the accident?I was surprised at myself really because I was not so knowledgeable with the things of God at that age.I recited scriptures I never thought I could recite.I just kept saying them over and over again with deep conviction and faith that I was going to survive it and GOD did it.
Those SCARS represent healing and survival.They represent strength and hope.
We all have imperfections and scars physically and emotionally.These scars could be visible or hidden but they all have a story behind them.They either take us back to the past or remind us about what the future holds for us.The physical scars are seen by many while the emotional scars are mostly hidden.Emotional scars could be as a result of a trauma or abuse.But hey..,There are people with mental and emotional scars that have never been through a trauma or abuse.There are painful incidents you always remember that happened for so long but,Anytime you remember them,They always leave you emotionally broken.
I do not think any human has never been through emotional or mental situations that left them with SCARS.We are all humans and such situations are bound to happen at a point in time in our lives.
Some disturbing emotional SCARS could be unhealthy fear of being alone, Depression, passed flashbacks and so many others.
I have been through depression so, I definitely know what it looks or feels like.Many times,We struggle with these things,seek counsel and even pray.
It sounds so easy telling people in such situations that all will be well but,It’s pretty hard to heal most times.Healing comes gradually and for me,It must come with acceptance.You must agree to heal first before it manifest physically if you have emotional SCARS.
Love your physical SCARS because you survived.Do not let SCARS limit you from being yourself. Those SCARS gives others hope and trust me,You do not know how many people get inspired by how strong you are.
Keep being strong darling ❤️


There are days we feel extremely discouraged about certain things.we feel so stupid for believing and being so positive that things will get better someday.
Today you picture yourself where you want to be and the next day..you give up suddenly.
Today you feel so happy and fulfilled and tomorrow..you are sad again.
So restless physically and mentally.
You just cannot figure out what you really want or what you should do to be on track.
you begin to see the impossible in everything you’ve been believing God for.doubts begin to surround every part of you and then boom!!!that’s when you meet different category of people.
Those that would give you reasons to keep trusting and believing.
Those that would add up disbelief to the one you are already struggling with.
The ones that give you reasons to not believe or trust that God comes through even in situations you think nothing possible could ever happen might not be some set of bad people..want to know why???
you might have met the wrong people at that moment you needed to be encouraged in another dimension.
Meeting the wrong people simply means people you are not on the same page with.
No matter what you say at that particular time,they will not understand deeply the way you would.
they have never experienced a possible move of God before.
They might have seen on television,heard on radio or even listen to a testimony from someone but have never had a personal experience…yes!thats where the low understanding comes from.
Iam not saying they are dummies..NO..they might just not be knowledgeable in that area but they will be someday and you would be surprised at it.
sometimes,when you so much believe and trust God,things become very easy for you..just love him genuinely and practice obedience and watch things happen.
Forget your friends that doubt him,that’s not you!!
Forget the environment you find yourself in,that’s not you!!
Forget how big that situation is,that’s not you!!
Forget how impossible it looks…
Forget what the devil always tells you or whispers to you,that’s not you darling!!
“Create in me a clean heart,oh God and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”psalms 51:10
This is one of my best scriptures whenever my mind starts playing tricks on me.
This should be the kind of prayer you engage yourself in whenever different negative impossible thoughts comes to your mind.
God understands why we doubt and fear.he wants us to trust in him with all of our hearts,and he will always be there to support and cherish you.

“Fear not,for Iam with you,be not dismayed,for Iam your God;I will strengthen you,I will help you,I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.

He has said it already so why worry???
Never get tired of being his child because he never gets tired of you.
It has happened already just OBEY and LOVE him.
I don’t know whom this has touched.

I have seen him turn situations around.

I’m not just saying to make you feel better but I have experienced him in so many ways.

God really loves you and I love you dearly too❤️❤️❤️



Sometime ago,I met a friend who is an amazing painter.he paints just anything he sights.he is so good at it.one could pay a fortune for just a piece(Not trying to over hype😁).
I really admire the zeal and effort he puts into it.you could see the happiness in his eyes whenever he’s down with it.
His creativity is just a top notch…
with all of these things I’ve mentioned ,there is a PROBLEM.
I know some of you have already pictured and imagined an attractive room with so many paintings inside and also some displayed outside.
Ever heard about the DEMONDS inside?
Everyone fights a demon inside.it could be fear,shyness,low self esteem,rejection,lies and so many of them.
His was the fear of rejection…
He has everything inside of him that if given a chance,the world would appreciate.
But,is he ready for it?
Is he confident that he is a star already with what he carries?
fear has taken a hold of him.
He fights it everyday thinking it would go away.
He thinks what he does is only amazing to him and maybe his family or a few friends.
So many stories he wants to tell through his paintings but,do these stories matter to the society?
The more he wants to let out,the more the fear of rejection he feels.
Many times,we do the things we love and give it our all but,while at it,we embrace the negative opinions of others.
Do whatever you love and find happiness in..
Go extra miles if you have to..
Do if for you..
Use those hurtful words you hear everyday from people to reshape and build yourself.
There are other DEMONS we fight within ourselves everyday that we shouldn’t run away from .
find out what DEMON limits and sets you back on some things.
It might not look like a big deal but,there are lots of things we overlook and ignore that really matter.
That lie might look small to you or maybe it’s the way you get too careless with serious issues.
Your anger issues might also look normal to you but,it’s not normal at all.its something you need to fight.
Your constant procrastination is also a demon you should fight.
I would also love to get as many feedback/comments as possible from my readers😃
I love you guys🥰


A land where there ought to be endless opportunities but,all we see is endless brutality.
A land so beautiful but, where do we find the beauty in chaos and pain?
A land where our differences do not matter but,we do not know if it
still does…
A land where pains and sufferings only makes us stronger but,can our strength still carry us along?
A land where the labor of our heroes passed should give us hope to not give up but,everything seems to be in vain..
A land with so much creativity but, does the creative mind still matter in the society?
Our flag signifies peace but,can we freely rest our heads on our pillows without having countless thoughts of waking up safe the next day?
When can we ever work the streets of our beloved land like we own it?
When will we start sharing good opportunities instead of shedding innocent blood?
Our hearts bleeds…
Our spirits and souls are shattered…
Our bodies keep wandering in fear and bruises…
Our land which flows with milk and honey now flows with blood and tears.
Where did we go wrong?
Aren’t we supposed to be protected by the authorities?
Where did we go wrong?
What ever happened to us being our brothers keepers?
Should we allow religion and tribalism come between the peaceful relationships we’ve had in the past?
Should we allow our selfish leaders brainwash us into living in pieces instead of peace with each other?
Should we cut ties with our brothers and sisters of different religions?
Should we give jobs and be good to our tribes alone?
Should our achievements benefit our families alone?
Should we replace humanity with bitterness?
Should we loose our faith and patience?
Should we give up on our dreams?
All we wanted to do was to make things right but,everything turned against us.
Does it mean our land has no place again?
Does it mean the youths will continue to be treated like outsiders and criminals?
Does it mean that our dear nation has lost her glitters and brightness?
Do we practice what we preach?
Oh Nigeria!!!
Where is your love and kindness?
Where is the laughter you’ve always had?
All we see now is a pool of uncontrollable tears.
We used to know a lot about our country but,we are not sure anymore.
We are not sure of the countless times we’ve hurt each other.
Oh Nigeria!!!
What happened to you???
Your soul yearns for peace.
We are too young to give up too soon.
We need to rise up and keep our differences aside.
Arise, oh young Nigeria!!!
The time is now.
We pray for a new Nigeria.





Commanding your Morning

What have you put in the atmosphere?

Many do not know that words are really powerful.what you think and say plays a huge role in your life.

No matter how good or bad your life is,every circumstance can change for the best if you learn how to command your morning before your day begins.

You want financial breakthrough?

You say it before your day begins.

Marital or relationship issues?

Speak life into it before your day begins.

Scared of loosing a contract or a job?

Declare that victory is yours before your day begins.

The moment you convert your imagination into intentions and your intentions into actions,a change must occur.Be intentional about it.

You can change the course of your destiny by speaking into everything that concerns you.

Speak speak speak…..

You are not weak and so are your words.

‘Words satisfy the mind as much as fruit does the stomach;good talk is as gratifying as a good harvest.

Words kill, words give life,they’re either poison or fruit-you choose

Proverbs 18:20-21

As you start the journey of commanding your morning, pray everything into existence.

Cindy Trimm has really talked about so many mysteries in this book.

Commanding your morning has really helped and shaped me in so many ways.

I recommend it to everyone struggling in believing or looking for ways to make things happen.
